Symposium 2024

Young Researchers symposium 2024

The Doc'J conference returns in 2024!

We are delighted to invite you to the annual Doc'J conference on 16 May 2024, to be held on the Jouy-en-Josas site. Everyone is invited to attend the presentations given by the centre's young researchers: PhD students, post-docs, IAs, IEs, trainees and other non-tenured staff!

The aim of the day is to publicise the research being carried out in the various units at the Jouy and Antony sites, so that everyone can discover the scientific world around us! A buffet lunch will be served.

On the programme:

  • 12 oral presentations by young researchers from several of the centre's units (in the amphitheatre of building 440)
  • a meal and a session of 10 posters (ground floor of building 400)
  • a round table discussion on the post-thesis period with former Jouy-en-Josas doctoral students and speakers from PhD Talent and Résalience (in the amphitheatre of building 440).

Programme for the day : Colloque_DocJ_2024_programme_vf_FR_EN.pdf

Details of abstracts (oral presentations and posters), in French and English:

Colloque_DocJ_2024_Livret_abstract_EN_vf.pdf Colloque_DocJ_2024_Livret_abstract_FR_vf.pdf

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Doc'J 2024 conference organising committee 

A look back at the event

On Thursday 16 May 2024, the Jouy-en-Josas centre hosted the annual colloquium of the association of young researchers at the INRAE Jouy-en-Josas and Antony centre (Doc'J). This event, organised every year since 2005 (excluding the COVID crisis), is a rare if not unique opportunity for the centre's various research units to meet and share their work through presentations given by young researchers. This year, the Micalis, PROSE, MetaGenoPolis, BREED, GABI and MaIAGE units were represented by twelve oral presentations and nine posters. More than sixty participants, young researchers and curious permanent staff, came to (re)discover the Centre's rich scientific environment.

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Morning of oral presentations in the amphitheatre of building 440 at INRAE Jouy-en-Josas.


Buffet and poster session in the main hall of building 400.

At the end of the day, the presentation by Mathilde Sola, who works at the interface between the MetaGenoPolis, Micalis and MaIAGE units, was a big hit with the audience. Her project, entitled ‘The in silico reconstruction of an ecological niche: towards the design of new-generation probiotic consortia’, was awarded the prize for the best oral presentation. Alexandre Lecomte, a doctoral student at Micalis, was also rewarded for his poster detailing the many results of his thesis on “The promotion of intracellular multiplication of Enterococcus faecalis by adiposomes in hepatocytes”.

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Laura Obry (3rd from the left) and Léa Wagner (4th from the left) award the prizes for best oral presentation to Mathilde Sola (1st from the left) and best poster to Alexandre Lecomte (2nd from the left).

A round-table discussion on post-doctoral guidance, organised in a hybrid format, attracted around thirty participants. Six speakers, including former INRAE PhD students Vincent Saillant (MicrobAdapt - Micalis), Pauline Maisonnasse (V2I - VIM), Ariane Bassignani (StatInfomics - MaIAGE), and Teddy Charbonnier (SyBER - Micalis), shared their experiences and advice. Florian Andrianiazy, Director of PhD Talent, and Delphine Kapps, representative of the Résalience association, also contributed their expertise. The discussions were very rewarding, reflecting the interest shown by doctoral students in the issues surrounding post-thesis career guidance. The support system proposed by Florence Delahaye-Doury, INRAE guidance counsellor, was presented in conclusion.

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Round table on the post-thesis in hybrid format in the amphitheatre. From left to right and top to bottom (in visio): Ariane Bassignani, Teddy Charbonnier and Pauline Maisonnasse. From left to right (in presential): Florian Andrianiazy (PhD Talent), Vincent Saillant, Laura Obry and Léa Wagner.

The success of the day was made possible by the involvement of six young researchers who acted as moderators, and by the dedication of the organising committee made up exclusively of doctoral students: Léa Wagner (SyBER - Micalis), Constance Patin (PhylHom - Micalis), Marie Stosskopf (PIMs - Micalis), Armand Bernard (Cosynus - Micalis), Matthieu Bertrand (EpiMic - Micalis), Ronan Soudy (ProbiHote - Micalis), Delphine Polve (FInE - Micalis), Laura Obry (BaPS - Micalis) and Amrita Raja-Ravi-Shankar (MECP2 - BREED).

Many thanks to the centre's president, Nathalie Touze, for her essential support in terms of communication and funding, and to the DESSE and the MTS unit (Medicines and Technologies for Health) represented by Karine Patient for their funding. We would also like to thank all those who helped to organise the conference: Nathalie Touze, Nadine Roger, Anne Laguillez, Isabelle Foucade and Sylvie Inizan for budget management; Véronique Marracci for distributing INRAE goodies and badges; Fabienne Ducluzeau for printing the posters; Stéphane Gaubert from ADAS for loaning the poster grids; and the graphic designer Valérie Davant for the conference poster and the association's graphic charter.

The Doc'J 2024 office is now looking for new recruits to join the association and organise the next event! 

The Doc'J 2024 conference organising committee


Thank you to the organisers:

  • Laura OBRY (BaPS – Micalis)
  • Léa WAGNER (SyBER – Micalis)
  • Delphine POLVE (FInE – Micalis)
  • Marie STOSSKOPF (PIMs – Micalis)
  • Ronan SOUDY (ProbiHote – Micalis)
  • Constance PATIN (PhylHom – Micalis)
  • Armand BERNARD (Cosynus – Micalis)
  • Matthieu BERTRAND (EpiMic – Micalis)

Thank you to the financial supporters:

  • The Centre presidency and its team : Nathalie TOUZE, Isabelle FOUCADE, Nadine ROGER, Anne LAGUILLEZ, Sylvie INIZAN
  • The DESSE
  • The MTS unit (Medicines and Technologies for Health)

Thanks to the logistical support:

  • Valérie DAVANT for communication and the Doc'J graphic charter
  • Véronique MARRACCI for the badges and goodies
  • Fabienne DUCLUZEAU for printing the posters
  • The ADAS (Stéphane GAUBERT) for the loan of poster grids

Modification date: 30 May 2024 | Publication date: 29 January 2024 | By: Julien Lopez