Colloque Doc'J 2017

The Doc'J Conference - 2 March 2017 - Scientific mediation

The Doc'J symposium is an opportunity for young researchers to share their subject and their enthusiasm with the entire Inra centre at Jouy-en-Josas.

During the morning, each participant will have the opportunity to present his or her research project:

- either orally in 3 minutes
- or as a poster

in a way that is accessible to anyone not involved in the subject.

In the afternoon, science outreach professionals will be on hand to explain the strategies they have put in place to disseminate science to as many people as possible. Through a conference and a round table discussion, everyone will be able to question these experts in the popularisation of science and draw inspiration from them for their future interventions, and why not their future profession!

Registration is compulsory.
See the programme

Organising this event requires a lot of hard work and commitment from the Doc'J team. If you'd like to help out, we'd love to hear from you! Don't hesitate to contact us!


See also

Modification date: 11 November 2023 | Publication date: 07 March 2018 | By: Bureau Doc'J