Doc'J association

Doc'J association

The Doc'J association aims to create links between young scientists at the centre: PhD students, trainees, research engineers, assistant engineers, post-docs, technicians... all those on fixed-term contracts and interested parties are welcome!

The Doc'J association in the life of the centre

The INRAE research centre in Jouy-en-Josas and Antony is made up of numerous research teams working on a wide range of subjects, including animal biology, microbiology, bioinformatics, food and cold chain sciences, waste management and continental water and wastewater. As a result, more than 150 PhD students (as at February 2023) are working side by side in this centre, on a wide variety of subjects. This community is also intercultural, as it includes many foreigners, some of whom have just moved to France.

Doc'J is a non-profit association under the 1901 law, run by volunteer doctoral students with the support of the INRAE administration. Its purpose is to encourage meetings and exchanges between the centre's young researchers (PhD students, post-docs, trainees, fixed-term contracts, etc.), in order to form a close-knit community where everyone can find their place. 

Doc'J events

Everyday life

Doc'J is first and foremost a supportive community that helps each other with practical, administrative, professional or personal problems. It acts as a relay for information and events to help young researchers find their future careers, via our Discord network: Join us now!


Once a month (or more!)

Doc'J organises friendly events to meet up, get to know each other and integrate newcomers:

  • Doc'Jeux board game evenings, usually on Wednesday evenings in building 400 (ERIST, Documentation) on the Jouy-en-Josas site.
  • Doc'Lunch shared meals, usually at the Jouy-en-Josas canteen on weekday lunchtimes.

Once a year

  • More occasional festive events: summer barbecue, Easter egg hunt, Halloween party, galette des rois, etc.
  • Doc'J symposium: A centre-wide symposium where young researchers from the centre present their work to each other. It's an opportunity to present your work, find out about that of your colleagues and develop your network within the INRAE Ile-de-France community.

Any other projects?

The association is also looking to act as a facilitating framework for any new initiatives by young researchers. All your ideas are welcome!

Doc'J 2023 Board

Since January 2023, the president Katy Paul (GABI, GenAqua, PhD student since 22/12/2023) has been replaced by Léa WAGNER (Micalis, SyBER, PhD student since 01/12/2022), Constance Patin (Micalis, PhylHom, post-doc since 2023), Mariya Borovikova (MaIAGE, Bibliome, PhD student since 2021) and Julien LOPEZ (Micalis, MUSE, PhD student since 03/10/2022). Don't hesitate to contact us ( to join us!


Modification date: 05 February 2024 | Publication date: 17 February 2009 | By: Léa WAGNER et Julien LOPEZ